The start of a beautiful September day on the coast of Maine.
(Camera: Olympus OM-PC; Lens: Olympus Zuiko 28mm f/3.5; Film: Kodak Elite Chrome 200 EC)
In the eight years I lived on the east coast near Boston, I never ventured up to Maine. I have no idea why, except that I fell into that “there’s always another day” trap that conspires to keep one from exploring those things closest at hand. However, last autumn, my wife and I made the trip (this time, from the much greater distance of Victoria, BC) to attend the wedding of our friends Anne and Robert. We were staying just down the road from Pemaquid Point and got up early one morning to watch this sunrise. That alone made the trip worthwhile.
One of the great benefits of shooting slide film is that it provides some ground-truth reality. This is handy after the fact when you’re home from a trip and wondering, was the colour was really that vivid? With print film, there’s always a much bigger element of doubt — so much can be altered in the printing process and in how the scanning is done. Of course, even slide film doesn’t record colour exactly as we see it, it just does a better job than the other options.