Late afternoon, October, along the Similkameen River. (Camera: Karoron medium-format folder; Film: Fuji Reala 100 )
The Similkameen is where I spent my childhood. It’s one valley west of the more famous Okanagan Valley, in the southern interior of British Columbia. Both regions are rich with fuit trees and vineyards, producing some of the worlds finest wine grapes, apples, peaches, apricots, and cherries. It was the best possible place to be a kid.
This picture is ripe with personal nostalgia. Not only because it shows a place I once called home, but also because I captured this scene with an old camera that once was my father’s.
Absolutely love this photo. I grew up in the flat, prairie lands of Illinois so mountains are a thing of wonder to me. Very cool to see it was shot with a vintage camera with some history. I primarily only shoot with box cameras and folders. Something about them makes me slow down and enjoy the moment.
Agree — there’s so much more to the experience of photography than the 1/60 second the shutter is open. The camera has a very interesting history, which I’ll tell when I get around to writing it up for my Favourite Camera section.