I’ve today discovered your site, I’ve started to read it back month by month, unable to stop.
Very good photos, a lot of love, time passing but passion survive.
I’d like many people from all the world start a blog like your, to see different places, different faces, different cities. Every photo is a story, and the stories join the people.
May be one day I’ll do: places and faces from Italy.
Thankyou, I’ve something new to wait.
I’ve today discovered your site, I’ve started to read it back month by month, unable to stop.
Very good photos, a lot of love, time passing but passion survive.
I’d like many people from all the world start a blog like your, to see different places, different faces, different cities. Every photo is a story, and the stories join the people.
May be one day I’ll do: places and faces from Italy.
Thankyou, I’ve something new to wait.
Luca, Milano, Italy